The Evolving Health Sector

Personal Invitation – RSVP Required

Wednesday 25th January 2023

The Health Sector Investment Opportunity

The Impact of the Evolving Landscape


Reception on Aerie Green, Kimpton Seafire (off the main lobby)
Followed by Sessions in Aurea West Ballroom

Join us for a fascinating, insightful and hopefully genuinely useful examination of the healthcare sector through the eyes of an investor & healthcare entrepreneur that established the Cayman Islands most rapidly growing modern health practice, and a scientist entrepreneur, who despite having a multi-award-winning technology, has had to run the gauntlet of innovation in the shadow of Theranos, a fraud that has probably set healthcare investment back a decade, despite the sector never being more opportunity rich.

We have two talks that will represent a fascinating combination of insight, experience, guidance, expose and horror story in equal measure, ensuring a thoroughly entertaining but genuinely useful exploration of one one of the most successful investment sectors or all time, at a time of huge change (and thus opportunity), but against the shadow of one of the investment sector’s most painful experiences at the hands of Elizabeth Holmes.


Healthcare Evolution – How Does Healthcare HAVE to Change and its Impact on Investment Opportunity

Andrew Vincent, Director, Integra Healthcare Ltd

Andrew V is a healthcare entrepreneur and investor with a 30+ year history of health sector experience, working across pharma, biotech, medical device, service and more recently healthcare provider experience and ventures, including being an instrumental co-founder of Integra Healthcare Ltd and helping to establish its growth strategy at what could only be described as a fairly meteoric trajectory. He is both entrepreneur and investor, and has had a life-long passion in understanding health system evolution, and thus future opportunity, and risk. He will share some of his insights, shocks, successes, observations and predictions, including a clear picture of the key trends likely to affect the direction of investment dollars going forward. Far from pretending to have all the answers, his talk will introduce also the challenges of these predictions, not least of which is the emergence of unexpected adverse events that cause not less than global ripples and thus as much investment uncertainty as they do investment opportunity.


The Post-Theranos Era – The Challenge and Opportunity of Diagnostics Innovation in the Wake of Elizabeth Holmes

Professor Andrew Shaw, Chief Executive & Chief Scientific Officer, Attomarker Ltd

Andrew S has an equally, if not more fascinating history, having created a breakthrough, award-winning technology platform that has the potential to literally transform point-of-care diagnostics and aspects of disease research, as part of his biosciences research at Exeter University and then establishing a spin-off venture with the unfortunate timeline being almost identical to one of the world’s most painful and disappointing investment stories, in that case ultimately ending in fraud and imprisonment for the perpetrator. He will talk through his fundamentally different starting point, his predictions for the future of the sector but more pertinently his experiences as a scientist and entrepreneur developing and funding a technology in the shadow of the investment community’s experiences with Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes. She ended up with billions, a prison sentence and probably worst, she disappointed both medicine and investors alike, by perpetuating a promise that was never fulfilled by the technology she wanted to fund. By contrast, Andrew set out to create a working and ground-breaking technology, proven in the true traditions of science i.e. first prove it works, with every bit the same potential to change an industry, but amidst the investment challenge Ms Holmes created for everybody. The journey is fascinating, the potential is exciting and the lessons, and insights are valuable to everybody.


Discover, Debate, Network & Enjoy

We hope that these sessions will prove a highlight to January but with a useful and practical leaning too. We hope the audience, consisting of senior individuals, the investment community, family offices, partners, entrepreneurs, the business community, health sector professionals and essentially the interested, will interact, engage, network and debate on what we hope will be a thoroughly enjoyable and useful beginning to 2023, a year that is certainly set to be an exciting one in the healthcare sector.


You may choose from two identical sessions:


  • Gather, Drinks & Canapes from 12pm
  • Talks & a Light Lunch from 12.30pm (Talks sharp at 12.45pm)
  • Conclusion by 13.45pm, with further networking for the interested

Early Evening

  • Gather, Drinks & Canapes from 5.30pm
  • Talks & Light Early Dinner for those who wish from 6.00pm (Talks sharp at 6.15pm)
  • Conclusion by 7.15pm, with further networking for the interested



Please RSVP indicating which session you would like to attend and including any colleagues you would like to bring (we are blessed without too much of a space limitation).

Health Sector Investment Opportunity, 25th January 2023

I am attending the Lunch Event

I am attending the Evening Event

Declarations of Interest

Andrew Vincent is a Director of Integra Healthcare Ltd. Integra is a user of Attomarker Ltd technology in the Cayman Islands. Following the clinic’s use of the technology, Andrew became a seed investor in Attomarker Ltd and went on to expand his investment interest based on his growing experience with the technology.

Andrew Shaw is Founder and Chief Executive of Attomarker Ltd, an award-winning spin-off from Exeter University. He remains a Professor on the Teaching Faculty of Exeter University in the School of Biosciences, where he is Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry. Exeter University maintains its interest in Attomarker Ltd.

Both of the above are further involved in the establishment of AttoCaribbean, a TechCayman sponsored enterprise, establishing product distribution and support in the Caribbean and and research collaborations with academic links here in the Cayman Islands.


Financial Declarations

The event in question is firmly an educational and networking event but for full disclosure, talks will possibly reference companies in which fundraising is or is about to take place, including the establishment of Cayman Islands-based operations.

Attomarker Ltd

Attomarker Ltd is about to launch a Series A funding round of between £10m and £30m GBP.


AttoCaribbean is establishing operations in the Cayman Islands and will likely make investment opportunities available in the area of between $250,000 and $500,000 KYD.